Fat experiences

When an ex gets fat

Wondering whether anyone else has enjoyed an experience like this - where an ex-partner reappears and has gained a significant amount of weight since you broke up.

I’m very happily almost (COVID pushing back the wedding from last year) married and I’ve been with my fiancé since we were about 20. We met through friends at uni and have been together ever since.

Before I went to uni though I had a brief summer thing with a girl that worked at the gym near my parent’s house. It wasn’t anything particularly deep, but we used to chat a lot the year leading up to it, we went on a walk after the gym one day, kissed, and then it just sort of became a casual thing.

She was a pretty girl, not massive but quite plump, which was sort of where my kink interests were aligned at the time (they have got a LOT bigger since then!). She was on some sort of steroids for something with her knee - I think something like arthritis? - which had basically ruled out most exercise and caused her to gain a fair bit of weight from before I knew her. Anyway we had a nice summer, didn’t have sex but did do other stuff sneakily in the gym’s trampoline room - it was part of a school so there were a bunch of other activities / rooms. I think she’d probably figured out my kink by this point. We never actually spoke about it directly but I used to rub her belly when we’d make out so not particularly subtle.

Always felt a little guilty as I was a bit of a knob when I left for uni. I wasn’t sure about maintaining long distance or whether it was really going anywhere so I ended up breaking up with her - tried to be gentle but I know she was pretty upset.

Well, I hadn’t seen or really even thought about her for the best part of the last 10 years, but about four weeks ago I bumped into her when I was taking my parent’s dog for a walk in the woods behind their house - visiting for the weekend as finally out of lockdowns.

She was the one that recognised me. It took me a few seconds to catch on because she must have been at least double in size since she’d been when we were together. Mid-300s if I had to guess. Very wide saddlebag hips, big puffy arms, and a hanging belly tucked into the front of her shorts. She’s only about 5 foot 4/5, so it was really obvious how fat she’d gotten.

It was a pretty awkward chat to be fair. We skipped over the part where I broke up with her and did a bit of small talk around our lives, COVID, etc. She didn’t address her gain and I certainly wasn’t going to bring it up, but she did have her hand placed across her belly the whole time so might have been a bit self conscious about it.

All in all about 5 mins and then on our separate ways. I couldn’t help looking back - she had a regulation fat girl waddle! Big cottage cheese thighs struggling to get around one another.

I’ve been thinking about it ever since though. I’m obviously not going to act on it in any way, but I’d be lying if I said that thinking about my ex blimping up even larger than my fiancé hadn’t turned me on!

Anyone else ever had a similar sort of experience?
3 years

When an ex gets fat

Wait, so if i read that right. This girl you bumped into was a former customer that you converted into getting fat?
3 years

When an ex gets fat

I'll take your word for it lol
3 years